Heavy Matter Universe

By Christopher Perguidi !


The Gravitational Web and its viscous liquid behavior :

Thesis Statement:

“The formation of black holes can be analogized as a density sorting process in space-time, where massive stars fall into regions of higher density, creating a vortex that warps space-time and eventually leads to a black hole. This process is analogous to separating liquids of different viscosities in a glass, where heavier liquids sink to the bottom due to gravity. This process may be related to the quantum foam concept, which describes the grainy nature of space-time at the smallest scales.”


Black holes have long been a fascinating topic in astrophysics, with their mysterious nature and unparalleled gravitational pull. This article proposes a novel mechanism for black hole formation, inspired by the concept of space-time behaving like a dynamic, flexible “jello” or viscous liquid and the analogy of density sorting in fluids. It attempts to explain the black hole paradox and give an idea of how black holes do not defy the laws of thermal dynamics.

The black hole information paradox has long plagued theoretical physics, sparking intense debate and research since S. Hawking’s seminal work in 1974!

The Paradox arises when considering what happens to the information contained in a matter that falls into a black hole.

General relativity suggests that this information is lost, violating the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics!!

We often imagine space-time as a flat fabric. However, we propose that the gravitational web that makes up Space-time behaves more like a dynamic, Viscous fluid than a flat fabric that is warped and distorted by massive objects. This gel-like structure is the fabric of our universe, and its behavior is governed by gravity and thermodynamics. We use the terms liquid, jello, and gelatin throughout. These are more like metaphors (!) and analogies to illustrate what we are conveying.

A Jello-like/Vicous liquid model of the Fabric of Space-time

Imagine space-time as a big bowl of jello(or a thick viscous liquid), where we are all suspended in a gravitational web. This analogy helps us understand how massive stars warp space-time, creating a vortex that pulls nearby objects.

This article will explore how space-time is more like a dynamic, flexible jello than a flat fabric and how black holes are not the same as heavy stars.

The Jello-like Fabric of Space-time Space-time is not a rigid, flat fabric but a flexible, dynamic medium surrounding us. When stars become too heavy, they fall through this space-time jello/viscous liquid (not a literal liquid), creating a vortex that drags nearby objects along as it ‘falls’ through time-space. This is similar to a bowling ball thrown into a pool of rubber duckies, where the ball creates drag and a vortex that sucks in and sinks the duckies!

When the stars become too heavy, they fall through normal space-time and into a place containing heavier matter.

Like dense fluids, heavy stars sink into a region of space-time where heavier matter exists, creating a kind of ‘gravitational stratification.’ This Separation is similar to fluid suspension, where denser fluids settle at the bottom while less dense fluids remain on top. Just as different fluids separate and form distinct layers based on their densities, heavy stars separate from regular matter and sink into a denser region of space-time. This Separation is driven by gravity, like settling denser fluids in a suspension.

*The Black hole and the heavy Star are not the same thing.*

It is like a bowling ball thrown into a pool of rubber duckies! The ball created drag and a vortex that sucked in and down the rubber duckies. This is what is happening with the heavy Star. It is falling through space-time and dragging down a nearby object.

Just as a heavy object falling into water creates a hydrodynamic drag that warps the water’s surface, a heavy star falling into space-time creates a gravitational drag that warps the fabric of space-time.

The Star’s mass and velocity generate a vortex that distorts space-time, much like the ripples on the water’s surface.

The black hole is just the wake of the Star falling through space-time, creating small tears. The information is still there—like a stone thrown into a deep, dark well.

Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

The Hawking radiation is an echo of the Star falling through time.

The information is still there.

It’s like a rock falling down a deep well and out of sight, but we know it’s there because of the echo.

The hawking radiation is like an echo.

The Rock falling into the well represents the information falling into the black hole, and the echo represents the Hawking radiation that carries the imprint of that information.

Just as the echo allows us to infer the Rock’s presence even though it’s no longer visible, the Hawking radiation allows us to infer the information’s presence even though it’s been scrambled and relocated through the black hole’s interior into the Denser area of the universe (maybe a separate spatial dimension )

The Heavy star falls into place in the universe where heavier matter collects.

Our thoughts are that this ‘fluid’ is either the electromagnetic sphere, Dark matter, the quantum foam, or some other undiscovered medium.

The Black Hole & Heavy Star:

A heavy star is a massive object that creates significant tears in the gel-like space-time as it falls out of regular space-time, generating a vortex that sucks in nearby matter and energy. This Vortex is the black hole, which is not a physical object but rather a region of space-time severely curved by the heavy Star’s passage.

A Wake in Space-time The black hole is not the heavy Star itself but the wake it leaves behind in space-time. As the Star falls through space-time, it creates small tears, like a marble tearing through or viscus gel or jello. The information about the Star is not lost; the ripples in the jello continue to propagate even after the ball has passed through.

The information that appears to be lost in the black hole is moved through the tears in space-time caused by the heavy Star, effectively relocating it to a region inaccessible to us.

Hawking Radiation:

An Echo of the Star’s Passage Hawking radiation is an echo of the Star Star Star falling through space-time, a reminder of the disturbance it created in the gravitational web. This radiation is a result of virtual particles that are “created” in the vicinity of the event horizon, with one particle being sucked into the black hole while the other escapes as radiation.

The Heavy Matter Universe:

The heavy stars fall into the black hole, separating it from our regular matter universe and entering a distinct dimension or branch of the multiverse – the heavy matter universe. This universe is governed by its own laws of physics, which are still unknown to us.

Black holes are not the same as heavy stars, but the wake they leave behind in space-time. The information about the Star is not lost; it is like the ripples in the jello that continue to propagate even after the ball has passed through. Hawking radiation echoes the Star’s passage through space-time, a reminder of the disturbance it created in the gravitational web. The information isn’t just preserved in the space-time ripples; it’s transferred to a denser region of the universe beyond our observational reach. The Hawking radiation is an echo or signal that the information has reached this denser region, much like the ripples in a well after a stone has been thrown in. The information isn’t lost; it’s relocated to a place that’s inaccessible to us. The echo or radiation is a reminder that the information is still present, even if we can’t directly see it. This heavier matter place of the universe is extremely hot and compacted with condensed gravity. This might be considered a separate dimension, as in some theories, like the Kaluza-Klein theory, where our 4-dimensional space-time is reduced to a lower-dimensional space, with the extra dimension being compactified or curled up. It is possible that the denser matter could be a manifestation of this compactification.

The Separation between the heavy matter area and the regular matter area (if considered different spatial dimensions ) Brane cosmology: In brane cosmology, our universe is thought to exist on a 4D brane, or membrane, floating in a higher-dimensional space called the “bulk.” As in Brane Cosmology, the denser matter could be imagined as existing on a different branch or in bulk, interacting with our universe through gravity or other forces.

The dimension containing denser matter intersects with our own dimension in specific regions, creating areas of higher density. These intersections could be thought of as “density nodes” or “gravity wells.”

In my fluid, dynamic universe, the interaction between the heavy matter universe and our regular universe resembles a cosmic lava lamp. Imagine the heavy matter universe as the wax in the lamp, dense and sluggish. Our universe is like oil; it is less dense and more fluid. When the “heat” of gravity or other forces is applied, bits of heavy matter “melt” and rise into our universe, like the wax in the lamp. As they rise, they cool and solidify, forming dark matter “globules” that interact with our universe through gravity. This process is akin to the wax solidifying as it cools in the lamp, forming colorful blobs that float and sink. The heat from the heavy matter universe is like the light bulb in the lamp, energizing the transfer of matter and energy between the two universes. The cosmic radiation and gravitational waves we observe may be like the ripples and waves in the lamp, caused by the interaction between the two “fluids.” Just as the lava lamp’s colorful blobs seem to defy gravity, the dark matter in our universe appears to defy our understanding of gravity and motion. But (it could) in reality, it’s just a manifestation of the dynamic exchange between the two universes, like the mesmerizing flow of the lava lamp.

Dark Matter:

Dark matter in the context of the ‘heavy matter universe’ and the cosmic lava lamp analogy. According to this theory, dark matter is formed when bits of heavy matter ‘melt’ and rise into our universe, cooling and solidifying (not literally) into dark matter ‘globules’ that interact with our universe through gravity. In this scenario, dark matter is not a separate entity but a manifestation of the dynamic exchange between the heavy matter universe and our regular universe, similar to the colorful blobs in a lava lamp. This perspective offers a creative explanation for the observed effects of dark matter, which has been a long-standing mystery in astrophysics and cosmology. By linking the dark matter to the heavy matter universe and the gelatinous nature of space-time, our theory provides an alternate perspective on this enigmatic phenomenon!

In this scenario, the information that falls into (actually through) the black hole is not lost but is instead transformed into Hawking radiation (or other forms of radiation, heat, or dark matter) through the process of entropy increase. This means that the information is not destroyed but (possibly) is instead scrambled and redistributed into the radiation. This resolution to the Paradox aligns with the principles of quantum mechanics, which dictate that information cannot be destroyed, only scrambled and redistributed. By showing that the information is transformed into Hawking radiation (and/or other things like heat, dark energy, etc.), we’re providing a possible solution to the long-standing problem of the black hole information paradox.

Dark Matter Replacement: alternatively, dark matter may no longer be a necessity to explain the observed phenomena. Instead, the heavy matter universe takes center stage, providing a possible solution to this long-standing puzzle. The Heavy matter universe theory offers a groundbreaking solution to the dark matter enigma! The unexplained gravitational pull can be attributed to the distant heavy matter region, eliminating the need for dark matter altogether. This means that the heavy matter universe is the source of the gravitational influence that shapes the large-scale structure of the universe and affects the motion of celestial objects.

Note: This ‘Liquid’ medium is most probably (according to me) the electromagnetic spectrum.

Heavy Star as Vortex Creator

– A massive star is like a heavy marble that warps the fabric of space-time, creating a Vortex that pulls nearby objects into its wake.

– The Star’s gravity creates a Drag Effect on space-time, pulling nearby objects into its wake, like a heavy object sinking into a jelly or fluid.

– Important Distinction: The heavy Star and the black hole are two distinct entities, with the heavy Star Star being the source of the Vortex and the black hole being the tear in space-time that forms later.

Black Hole as Vortex or Tear

– A black hole is like a region of space-time where the Vortex created by the heavy Star becomes so strong that it Tears space-time, forming a hole or void that traps everything that enters. Like a cosmic whirlpool or maybe a sinkhole


Our theory (we hope)resolves the black hole information paradox, reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics. The implications challenge traditional notions of space and time, suggesting a more nuanced (and weird) understanding of the universe. Our theory could lead to a new era of research, exploring the intricate relationships between gravity, quantum mechanics, and information theory.

Analogy: The relationship between the black hole, information, and Hawking radiation can be likened to a rock falling into a deep well. Just as the echo infers the Rock’s presence, the Hawking radiation serves as an echo of the information that has fallen into the black hole, indicating its preserved presence. This analogy highlights the idea that the information is not lost but rather preserved or moved in a transformed state, much like the echo infers the Rock’s presence.

The information and energy are not lost, but they have moved out of sight like a rock at the bottom of the well, and some of it bounced back and transformed.

Note: though we use a Lava lamp as an example It could be that it’s a sphere-like shape with the heavy matter region acting like the earth’s core and are realm acting like the outer core and earth’s mantle.

My theory of the gravitational web and the heavy matter universe offers a new perspective on several long-standing mysteries in astrophysics. By envisioning space-time as a dynamic, viscous fluid and the heavy matter universe as a separate entity, I propose that:

– Dark matter is not a separate entity but a manifestation of the dynamic exchange between our universe and the heavy matter universe (1).Or the effect we think is dark matter is the gravitational effect of this heavy matter-verse!

– Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) could be evidence of matter exchanging between our universe and the heavy matter universe, like ripples on the surface of a cosmic lava lamp (2).

– Gravitational wave sources might be explained by the merger of heavy matter objects or the interaction between our universe and the heavy matter universe (3).

– The Great Attractor’s gravitational pull could be attributed to the heavy matter universe’s influence (4).

– The Wow! Signal might be a transmission from the heavy matter universe, echoing through the gravitational web (5).

– The Pioneer Anomaly could be a result of the spacecraft interacting with the heavy matter universe, altering its trajectory (6).

– The observed isotropy of the universe could be a consequence of the cosmic lava lamp effect, where matter and energy are constantly exchanged between our universe and the heavy matter universe (7).

The matter-antimatter asymmetry might be resolved by the influence of the heavy matter universe, which favors matter’s dominance in our universe.

By reframing our understanding of space-time and the heavy matter universe, this theory offers a new framework for exploring these unexplained phenomena. Further research and testing are necessary to validate these ideas.


(1) Wikipedia

(2) Lorimer et al. (2007) – Fast Radio Bursts

(3) Abbott et al. (2016) – Gravitational Waves

(4) Kerr & Lynden-Bell (1986) – The Great Attractor

(5) Gray & Ellingson (1976) – The Wow! Signal

(6) Anderson et al. (2002) – The Pioneer Anomaly

(7) Spergel et al. (2003) – Cosmic Isotropy

Gravitational Phenomena in the Gelatin

—Gravitational Lensing: Light bends around warped gelatin, much like a spoon warps the surface of jelly.

– Frame-Dragging: Rotating objects twist the gelatin, creating a “drag” effect on space-time.

– Gravitational Waves: Ripples propagate through the gelatin, representing the disturbance in space-time produced by massive cosmic events.

– Space-time Curvature: Massive objects warp the gelatin, affecting motion and trajectories.

– Important Distinction: The heavy Star and the black hole are two distinct entities, with the heavy Star Star being the source of the Vortex and the black hole being the tear in space-time that forms later. Black Hole as Vortex or Tear

– A black hole is like a region of space-time where the Vortex created by the heavy Star becomes so strong that it Tears space-time, forming a hole or void that traps everything that enters.

– The black hole is separate from the heavy Star Star, with its distinct properties and behavior.

– Information falls into a black hole

– It is transferred to a denser region of the universe

– Entropy increases, causing the information to be transformed into Hawking radiation

– Hawking radiation carries the scrambled information, resolving the Paradox

-The heavy Star is the “vortex creator,” warping space-time with its massive gravity.

– The black hole is the resulting “vortex” or “tear” in space-time, created by the heavy Star’s gravity.

– Space-time is like jelly or jello that can be distorted by massive objects.

– The heavy Star is like a heavy marble that falls through the jelly of space-time, creating a drag effect that sucks in nearby objects.

– Hawking (1974) – Kaluza-Klein theory (Kaluza, 1919; Klein, 1926) – Brane cosmology (Arkani-Hamed et al., 2000) References: – Arkani-Hamed, N., Dimopoulos, S., & Dvali, G. (2000). The hierarchy problem and new dimensions at a millimeter. Physics Letters B, 429(3-4), 263-272. – Hawking, S. W. (1974). Black hole explosions?. Nature, 248, 30-31. – Kaluza, T. (1919). Zum Unitätsproblem der Physik. Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1920, 966-972. – Klein, O. (1926). Quantum theory and five-dimensional relativity. Zeitschrift für Physik, 37(12), 895-906.

2010s in review

What a crazy decade this has been!
a little bit before this decade I started training to be a pro wrestler and began filming my first full-length film as a director but neither was finished till this decade.
My film the boys (now completed) featured me as the legendary serial killer known as The Angel.
it featured Mister Lobo and Ernie fossilise .

After training for what seemed like forever
I finally got to wrestle in the ring.
I gained four title wins across 3 promotions.
perguidifamilyunitedGet my comic book !

I also did a cross over comic with Steve Crompton available on Amazon.

unfortunately, this decade was also rife with tragedy as my grandparents passed away. granparents

Let us come together and have more zany adventures this new decade!

A Conversation With The Multi Talented Chris Perguidi

A Conversation With Multi Talented Man Chris Perguidi

Story By Adam Hayes
Adam hayes : You were recently attacked while playing “Pokémon Go”. How are you feeling now? I’ve known you for a few years on social media and
know you have a special love for your face.
Chris Perguidi:
Confused . I just don’t understand why someone would want to stab me . They didn’t seem to have any clear objectives .
My face is healing well but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the scars .Like you’ve said I’m a bit of a narcissist when it comes to my looks .
Adam Hayes  : A lot of people seem to think it’s your fault because you were not paying attention .how do you respond to that ?
Chris Perguidi: For the people saying we need to stay out of the “ghetto” I’d like to remind them this is where many of us go to school
and work . It’s not me who should get away from my work It’s the criminal element that needs to find a new place to play .
It is not the righteous man who should alter his way to benefit the unjust man . It is the unjust man who should change his
ways . I for one will not bow in cowardice to those who seek to take over and pervert our community . I have no vengeance
for those who attacked me and hope this event can end up helping the community and getting these people the help they need.

Adam Hayes: Still, Isn’t that a dangerous area to be playing a game ?
Chris perguidi : I wasn’t there to play a game I was waiting for my girlfriend to get off work .
Adam hayes : Why walk into to the women’s shelter and scare every one ?why not just wait for the ambulance where you were attacked ?
Chris Perguidi : I didn’t know I was stabbed . I thought the guy just punched me and the blood on me was his from the beating I gave him. I’m not the one who called the police or the ambulance .
I didn’t realize I was injured till some time later when I was told by some passing good samaritans .When I saw the hole in my shirt and the blood  I just wanted to see my Girlfriend one last time .all everyone wants to talk about is Pokémon and me getting stabbed .
Adam Hayes:  That’s kind of what you’re known for but let’s change the subject tell us about the start of your career in the Arts & Entertainment field ?
Chris Perguidi:
I started in the art Industry Working for my Mentors Allan Angel and Randal Vogel (who does a book called Rooni the Vampire)doing layouts for various comic books as .I started acting at a very young age
but shifted my focus from acting to art as I got older .I decided that it’d be cool to market
a comic about a pro wrestler and thought I could bring that character (Topher Thomas) to the real world by becoming him in the ring. I didn’t know It would be such an overwhelming success that it’s become .
People really like the Topher Thomas Gimmick. The original short film has over 10,000 views and was created by Sam Burks.
Adam Hayes : What was the inspiration behind becoming a pro wrestler?
Chris Pergidi :I was originally into acting but was told I was getting a little too rough looking  to really get leading man parts and  having trained in martial arts it  made sense to transition from
acting to sports entertainment .I like SuperheroesI thought “let me be a real life superhero !”So I developed The character Topher Thomas Who is getting his own comic book !
Adam Hayes : What kind of training did you receive  and who are your trainers?
Chris Perguidi :I trained in Tae Kwon Do with Jess Jacques and gained my black belt at age 18 ,later  I joined Pro Wrestling Revolution and trained there in Lucha and American-style  pro wrestling .My trainers were Vinny Massaro
,Kafu Santos and Robert Grays .After an injury to my hips, I had to take a break and My friend (kaka meng) from the comic book world invited me to train with him at BTW this actually led to me training with the UGWA  and living in the Owners house.Around  the same time I joined A.K.A to help rehabilitate my body and ended up making some life long friends .The Training at all the schools was
very intense , most people can’t handle it , but if you want to be great you can’t ever give up !
Adam Hayes : You also trained at PWR, American Kickboxing Academy, and Ugwa. How was your experience with these organizations?
Chris Perguidi:
PWR … Is one of the greatest wrestling schools in the world and I had a great time learning from everyone there .
They even made a short documentary that was shown on the Discovery Network . American Kickboxing academy was a whole other
ball game . I was training with ranked fighters and lifting weights with the guys who fight in the UFC ,guys that
could snap me in two with little effort ,really talented people .
Adam Hayes : You also appeared in television and short films. Do tell us more about that.
Chris Perguidi:Of course ! I had cameos in a variety of independent films including
wild and crazy, The Beginning ,Cinema Insomnia ,Discover networks Crazyland, Creepy Coffey,
first dog and a show called Harlem Knights (which appears on my IMDB) .
I was in a variety of commercials and have appeared in a variety of wrestling related programs in one form or another .
I also had a local cable show that ran for five years called the lizard Zone that can now be found on youtube .where we interviewed celebrities  and did comedy skits . I am Currently producing a horror film called The Boys of 2010.featuring The Famous meme creator James Myrick and Mister Lobo .
Adam Hayes : When did you start to create comic books?
Chris Perguidi: I’ve always made them , in a way , as a child, I’d make them in secret and one day while interviewing Allan angel for the Lizard Zone he convinced me to show him my work . He told me I was a genius and hired me on the spot to do layouts for his comic books .
Adam Hayes : What was the inspiration behind creating the comic character ‘Superhero Erika Amerika’ ?
Chris Perguidi:
I always read the golden age superhero comics of the 1940s  and I would wonder “If the superheroes were fighting in world war 2 where are they now ?”
So, I came up with the answer  from a dream that their existence was covered up and they were all kept in a prison . Erika Amerika escapes
into our modern world ,the world that needs her more than ever because people don’t believe in heroes anymore ,I think we need
heroes more than ever  .
Adam Hayes: What has been one of the biggest achievements in your career so far?
Chris Perguidi:
I think it is still yet to happen  but training with the best and brightest in both industries is something I’m very
proud of .
Adam Hayes : So , not being stabbed while playing a phone app ?
Chris Perguidi:
Adam Hayes : If you are asked to choose one, Wrestling or Comic Art. What would your choice be and why?
Chris Perguidi:
Comic Books . I think they encourage literacy and an appreciation for the arts .
Adam Hayes: Looking over to your career one can easily say you are very hard working and dedicated person. What’s the motivation behind your work ?
Chris Perguidi:I want to be an example of what you can do if you apply yourself . I want people to see me and think “I could do what that guy does .”
because I want everyone to achieve their dreams .
You can’t ever give up on your goals because you never know who is looking up to you for guidance .
I want my friends to do as well as me and even better !
Adam Hayes: Are you active on Social Media? How can you be followed online?
Chris Perguidi :  “Am I active on social media?! ” of course, I am that’s how we’re talking to each other .

“Chris Perguidi has confirmed that, as of tonight, he’s done being crazy !”

“Chris Perguidi Has Confirmed That, As Of Tonight, He’s Done Being Crazy On The Internet”


“Chris Perguidi has confirmed that, as of tonight, he’s done being crazy on the Internet” confirmed Joel Myrick in a facebook post late last night. This article confirms that Joel has confirmed that Chris [aka Topher Thomas] has confirmed this to be true. 21317928_10159158472395462_1721064884671487550_n