Comic Book Writer : Allan Angel

Allan Angel is an immigrant from the Philippines, now living the American dream as a comic book artist in San Jose, California. He has created his own comic book publishing house which he calls “Integrity Comics,”  a place where he gives young people the chance to be published albeit on a small scale, people like Chris Perguidi (creator of H-Town), Adrian Age Scott (an African American school teacher) and Erika Svensson, a local student. He says he was inspired by an incident at age 13 after undergoing a serious surgery that left him bedridden. His father brought him a stack of comic books. He was overjoyed at the assortment of four color heroes, Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman plus their collaborative war on crime as the Justice League. At first overjoyed, he become saddened, he wondered “Why didn’t any of the super heroes look like me?  Why didn’t they look like any one in my neighborhood?”  In the 1970s Dc Comics (a subsidiary of Time Warner) barely had any ethnic heroes, if any, none that he knew of at the time. Yet the neighborhood he lived in was filled with people of all colors, black, white, Latino and Asian. Sure, Wonder Woman, Superman and Aquaman were all immigrants but, none of them Asian or poor, Most of the heroes were rich white men like the Green Arrow or Batman. He wondered, “How could a world as big as the DC universe only seem to have white heroes?”
original source : Allan Angel